Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Getting Ready To Visit Aunt Becky

My lazy slug humans haven't done a lot with me lately.  This weekend we went back to the dog park, but other than that, we really just hung out at the little house... BORING.

Monday night at school we practiced things I already knew and one of the teachers asked Marty if she "had a training background".  Marty said no, but she admitted it's not my first class.  I don't think we needed to tell everyone that!

Tonight we had regular school and nosework.  Regular school was a lot of practice on lying on my mat.  I'm getting a lot of practice at that.  We practiced letting Miss Jessica pet us, and I tried to bite her fingers.  I really don't understand why humans don't like it when I put my mouth on them.  I'm not biting, really, I'm just *tasting*, and Miss Jessica always tastes like treats.

We got to go into the barn for nosework, and even though there were LOTS AND LOTS of interesting smells, I still found my meatballs.

We have a new rule at the farm.  When I go out at night, I have a little light that gets clipped to my collar so Marty can see me.  I think it's a little weird, but humans are very insecure and have to be humored.  I spent a lot of time tonight training Marty to give me treats if I drop toys in my bag, she thinks that will be our trick for our last Monday night class.  Even though I worked really hard at that, and even though she let me last week, tonight she won't let me up in the chair to guard the computer bag.  I don't know what her problem is.

The really big news is that I get to spend the weekend with Aunt Becky AND NOT THE CRAZIES!  This will be my first break from them since they brought me to live with them.  I am VERY excited.  Marty is supposed to be writing down things about me for Aunt Becky, but she hasn't done it yet.

1 comment:

  1. Tonight's the night!! I'm so excited (and a little scared)! You're going to have so much fun exploring hoarding house. Unlike the crazies, there are hardly any rules at my house! As long as certain bodily functions occur outside, you can be as Rotten as you want. I can't wait to teach you all sorts of awesome habits!! See you tonight!
