Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Doggy Daycare At Mr. Tripoli's

I did not know that my grandhumans are running a doggie daycare center, but apparently they are.  I got up this morning to make my grandhuman take me out even earlier than usual.  Uncle Andrew brought my cousin Belle over not very long after we'd gotten up.  Apparently, Belle is a morning dog.  She came right in and started barking at me right away  I did not appreciate that at all.  I am not a morning dog.  After a while Mr. Tripoli and I went outside without her so he could teach me about chasing squirrels.  These squirrels are not like the ones I play with at home.  They run away and can climb trees.  I tried to climb a tree, but I fell out!

Pretty soon after that SOPHIE got dropped off!  I love Sophie.  She is still Mr. Tripoli's girlfriend, but if I lived closer, I could totally steal her!

We mostly played nice, but even Mr. Tripoli gets tired of all the noise sometimes.  He went back to the office and settled down with my grandhuman and left me to be in charge of Belle.  It's an exhausting job and I needed a lot of naps.

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