Saturday, August 31, 2013

Walking with Ziggy

Good thing I rested up, because I had a very busy morning.  Lyle was working on the grapevines, so I had to supervise that for a little while.  On the way back I found a feather!  It was a little scary at first, but I'm tough and pretty soon I picked it up and ran around with it.

After the grapevines, Marty and Lyle took me on a walk on Crickenberger today.  Ziggy came with us!  Despite what this picture shows, I mostly walked nicely on my leash today.  It's a really long walk though, and I was still pretty tired from this morning, so Marty had to carry me for part of the way.  She wants me to practice being carried like a sheep, but I don't like that, so a lot of times she has to carry me like a football instead.

We saw horses, but I already know about those from dog school on Monday's so I wasn't that impressed.  I didn't get to swim in the pond because it's completely covered in algae, but I did get to play in the creek for a little while.  And a lady in a special truck stopped and gave me a cookie!  Crickenberger walks are one of my favorite things about the farm.

Marty and Lyle have some crazy project planned for later, so I need another nap!

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