Monday, August 26, 2013


I had to go to the vet again.  This time it was much worse than last time.  I *did* have to get a shot, and Dr. Richards squirted some stuff in my nose, and they took my temperature the BAD way (last time they used the ear thermometer), and I had to get worm stuff EVEN THOUGH I DON'T HAVE WORMS!  Marty brought me left over fried chicken from last night though, so I was very brave and very good.  I've gained 2.6lbs and now I weigh 15.1!

We went to school again, and since it was so important to Marty that I didn't sleep, I made sure she knew I was awake by barking A LOT.  I bet she's sorry she didn't let me sleep now!  I almost played with Hudson this time, but not really.  Maybe next week.  We practiced sits and downs and walking on a leash.  Most of that I am okay at.  Then we practiced "trade".  It's not a bad deal.  You let the human have your toy for just a second and they give you a meatball and then give you back the toy.

After class the best thing ever happened.  We went to this place called Sonic!  I LOVE SONIC!  Marty says if I try to be good, we can stop every week after class!

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