Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My First Playdate (or: Napping At Navidson's)

I had my first playdate today.  I met Navidson!  His human is WAY better trained than the crazies.  He already knows how to give Navidson treats for spinning, for sitting by his side, for touching things, and all kinds of stuff!  I'm really looking forward to when I have my humans that well trained.  I went to his house to meet him.  (It smelled vaguely familiar, so I think he may have been in my house before I moved in.)  I got to sniff around his yard a little and then he came out.  His human (his name is Dan) gave him some treats and then we let Marty and Dan take their leashes off.  He wasn't sure I was a dog at first, but Marty and Dan told him I was.  It was too hot to play much outside, so we went back in the house.  Navidson let me have some of his water since Marty didn't bring me any of my own (see what I mean about them needing training?).  I like Navidson, but I was too tired to play much, so I mostly laid on the floor and watched him.  Pretty soon Marty said that if I was going to nap, I could nap at home.  We're going to get together again next week, so I'll try to work on her patience in the meantime.

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