Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cleaning Out The Lily Pond

My humans are crazy.  After we got back from our walk, I only got a short nap and then the crazies dragged me outside so I could help them clean out their lily pond.  If you had a nice stinky place to get wet and muddy would you clean it out?  Of course not.

It did look like they were having a lot of fun though, because they got very muddy and stinky.  I helped by riding on the wagon when we dumped the weeds out.  I got muddy and stinky too. Marty made me take another bath afterwards, and that was not fun.  I don't understand why humans go to the trouble of getting muddy and stinky if they're just going to insist on washing it off right afterwards.  Lyle and I are taking another nap now, and then we're going to go to Lowe's and get toys.

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