Saturday, August 24, 2013

I Love The Farm!

Everything up here is better than when we're stuck in the little house.  I didn't even cry when they put me in the box last night.

I got to play on the tractor with my great-grandhuman.  I like it.  Marty said she'll teach me to drive it when I'm just a little bigger.

Lyle said my pictures didn't show up on the wildlife cam this week, so I'm hoping for next time.

I worked on training my humans to feed me treats when I go to them.  They're getting pretty good, but they need to give me my treats faster.  This is me waiting for my treat after I ran a LONG WAY to get to Lyle.  Look how nicely I'm sitting to wait!  He should be down at my level with the treat already out.

Lyle thinks it's cute when I crawl like an army guy.  I don't do it for him very often, because I'm not an army dog, I'm a Navy and Marine dog.  But I have to keep trying to get him to offer new behaviors, so I do it every now and then.  This is him giving me a treat after I did it.  (I'd do it more if he'd give me the beer instead!)

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