Monday, September 8, 2014

Swimming At The Little House

Since the measle outbreak, I have not been allowed to do as much swimming as we all know I should.  I've been protesting, but it hasn't accomplished much.

Today when Lyle came home to check me at lunch (part of my protest was refusing to go outside this morning) I tried to pull him into the water, but he said that he had to go back to WORK and that we couldn't play.

When they finally came home, I convinced them to let me swim and it was AWESOME!  I have only been swimming at the little house one other time this year.  The water has hardly any disgusting stuff (more's the pity) and it's BIG.

The only downside to swimming at the little house is that the crazies insist on giving me a bath afterwards.  I don't really hate baths, but I don't understand why we have to do it either.


  1. I want a lake in my back yard!! I had one yesterday afternoon but my human opened the drain and it all went away. Mr Tripoli

  2. Now that is a happy Chessie dog.......much more happy than the bicycle contraption.....I say scrap the bicycle and stick with the swimming until the lake freezes over....then learn how to ice skate.......enjoy the waves AA......

  3. I had a lake in my backyard on Monday, but I don't understand the fascination with swimming. Good to see you blogging again!
