Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dragged Down The Highway

Marty and Lyle came back from their adventure with H.Bill and his littermates and decided that they hadn't spent enough time on the bike.  So they attached me to it with a stick and made me go along!  Even though it was late and I had been playing fetch and was tired and hot.

There is a clip on the stick that gets snapped to my allowed-to-pull harness, but it tried to pull my harness off of me sideways, so Marty just snapped the clip to my collar.  I decided we should stop, and Marty and Lyle were still going, so I THREW myself on the ground (like I do) and I got DRAGGED behind the bike until my collar slid off.  Marty was not very sympathetic.  They put my collar back on me and started up again. 

I ran along for a little while, but then I smelled a really yummy smelling dead thing, so I threw myself on the ground again, got dragged, and popped my collar off.  This is a good way to get Marty and Lyle to stop.  I need to remember to tell H.Bill next time I see him.

After the stop for the dead thing, we went back to the house.  I *almost* threw myself on the ground one more time, but Marty yelled at me, and I figured I had better behave until we got home or she might make us turn around and go farther.

I don't know why they think this biking thing is fun.  I think it is stressful and tiring, and I needed a nap to recover.

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