Saturday, August 16, 2014

They Don't Even Want To Spend Time With Me

You know what they did last year when I was a tiny baby puppy?  They left me to go listen to some stupid music.  You know what they're doing tonight?  Leaving me to go listen to the same stupid music!  Even though they already know all the songs!

Navidson even called to see if I wanted to go to the park, but my stupid humans wouldn't take me.  I'm pretty mad.

At least last year, my grandhuman was here to stay with me when they went to the dumb music thing.  This year I have to stay home alone.  Maybe I will destroy something to get back at them.

This is me a year ago, when they loved me.

This is me now when they don't.


  1. I wish I had known Anzio! I would have come and gotten you and you could live with me forever and just visit the crazies at the farm sometimes. This is another reason for you to be mad at them! Hope to see you soon!!

  2. Hey AA.....I remember when you headed out a year ago and you were soooooo did not want to leave your buds....and Tornado actually jumped the fence to keep you were cute back you are handsome....everyone loves cute but only admires the question is, do you want to be cute and loved or handsome and admired.....there are benefits to both.....either way you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay cool........
