Thursday, August 7, 2014

It's Not Bad Enough They Take Me To The Vet

Now we have to go to the vet for "practice".  When Marty gets home from work we have to get in the car, even though she knows I do not like being in the car, and then we go to the vet.  And she knows I HATE being at the vet.

I am not sick, and I do not know why we are doing this.  (Marty says I have measles, but dogs do not get measles, I just have some red spots on my stomach from swimming at the pond.)

There's not even any POINT to us going to the vet.  We just sit there and watch a lot of stupid dogs and stupider humans and Marty gives me treats.  (She tries to give me treats.  I have to spend about ten minutes doing a civil disobedience exercise first where I protest, spitting out treats and trying to escape.  After that I figure we'll never leave if I don't eat some treats, so I try to cooperate.)  Hanging out with the stupids is not have a good effect on Marty.  I'm embarrassed to be associated with her.

After I eat enough treats, we go to the park.  It's the only thing about this stupid new plan that isn't horrible.  I hope Marty gets past this stupid new idea soon.

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