Monday, August 11, 2014

Chilling At The Farm

Marty and Lyle spent ALL DAY at the beach yesterday and they did not take me AT ALL.  I am SO MAD!  They had H. Bill and his littermates there and they even got them Sonic, and I DID NOT GET ANY.

We left my grandhumans very late.  (Yes, I had to be dragged out on my back, what of it?)  We got back to the little house in the middle of the night and I went straight to bed.  I was so mad at the crazies that I didn't even honor them with my presence in the big bed.

This morning they had to get up and go to work (good riddance) and I was so mad I didn't even get out of bed.  Marty had to come home at lunch and check on me.  I had decided to get up by then, but I still didn't want to do anything, because I am so mad.

They came home from work early and we went to the farm.  I thought they were trying to get back on my good side, but Marty said we weren't going swimming in the rain.  I don't understand why not.  I was hyper and annoying so they had to play a lot of fetch.

I wanted to play more fetch, but Marty said we had to feed my great-grandhuman, so we had to come in.  Lyle says this is not the best way to get burgers.  I agree, it would be easier on everyone if I had a plate at the table.

We came back to the little house and Lyle went to bed, but I made Marty play fetch inside.  She said I had an "unauthorized ball".  I said, "maybe you should have taken me swimming".

1 comment:

  1. Swimming is ALWAYS the most important priority to a Chesapeake....when will the humans understand that and stop wasting time doing other things.....hope you get your plate at the table AA....sounds like a good plan to me......
