Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Pond Is Super Gross (And I Don't Care)

Marty doesn't play with me as much as she should, so I have developed a new strategy.  When we go to the farm, I run around and find the most disgusting thing I can, and then I roll in it.  Marty doesn't like how that smells (she should try it, I don't always like how she smells either), so we get to GO SWIMMING!

The pond is only a little less disgusting than the things I'm rolling in, but it's SWIMMING!

1 comment:

  1. Wow.....look at the stuff floating around in the pond.......nothing that a quick hose off will not take care of after a good swim......have at it AA and enjoy......after all it is summer time.....if you cannot swim in roll in it..........
