Tuesday, August 19, 2014

So Much School

We've been coming to Miss Pat's for exactly one year.

This is me sleeping through school on my first night.

This is me wishing I were allowed to sleep now.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

We Don't Need No Stinking Collars

We spent the day at the farm.  I went swimming in the gross pond.  After we got back, my collar was wet and icky, so I took it off.  I was going to bury it, but Marty caught me and made me put it back on.  And now they're going to make it tighter!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

They Don't Even Want To Spend Time With Me

You know what they did last year when I was a tiny baby puppy?  They left me to go listen to some stupid music.  You know what they're doing tonight?  Leaving me to go listen to the same stupid music!  Even though they already know all the songs!

Navidson even called to see if I wanted to go to the park, but my stupid humans wouldn't take me.  I'm pretty mad.

At least last year, my grandhuman was here to stay with me when they went to the dumb music thing.  This year I have to stay home alone.  Maybe I will destroy something to get back at them.

This is me a year ago, when they loved me.

This is me now when they don't.

Friday, August 15, 2014

It's Been A Year!

I came to live with the crazies a year ago today!  They love me, and they're usually pretty okay, so I think I'll keep them.  We celebrated by them taking H.Bill and his littermates out and leaving me home alone.  Worse than that, they smelled like hot dogs!  I'm reconsidering the whole keeping them thing.

This is me and Lyle then.

And this is us now.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Chilling At The Farm

Marty and Lyle spent ALL DAY at the beach yesterday and they did not take me AT ALL.  I am SO MAD!  They had H. Bill and his littermates there and they even got them Sonic, and I DID NOT GET ANY.

We left my grandhumans very late.  (Yes, I had to be dragged out on my back, what of it?)  We got back to the little house in the middle of the night and I went straight to bed.  I was so mad at the crazies that I didn't even honor them with my presence in the big bed.

This morning they had to get up and go to work (good riddance) and I was so mad I didn't even get out of bed.  Marty had to come home at lunch and check on me.  I had decided to get up by then, but I still didn't want to do anything, because I am so mad.

They came home from work early and we went to the farm.  I thought they were trying to get back on my good side, but Marty said we weren't going swimming in the rain.  I don't understand why not.  I was hyper and annoying so they had to play a lot of fetch.

I wanted to play more fetch, but Marty said we had to feed my great-grandhuman, so we had to come in.  Lyle says this is not the best way to get burgers.  I agree, it would be easier on everyone if I had a plate at the table.

We came back to the little house and Lyle went to bed, but I made Marty play fetch inside.  She said I had an "unauthorized ball".  I said, "maybe you should have taken me swimming".

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy

I'm at Mr. Tripoli's!  Marty and Lyle and I have been VERY busy, and I don't know if I'll EVER catch up on everything we've been doing, but tonight, we are all staying with my grandhumans.  Tomorrow H. Bill and his littermates are coming to visit me here, but Marty says maybe we can go TO THE BEACH in the morning before they get here.

It's a good thing I'm here, because I found out that my grandhumans are neglecting Mr. Tripoli terribly.  He hasn't been swimming even once since I sent him his gift bag.  We went swimming almost as soon as we got here.  Marty says Mr. Tripoli is more efficient than I am, but that I am more enthusiastic.  I like to stay in the water, so Mr. Tripoli has to take the bumpers up to the humans.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

It's Not Bad Enough They Take Me To The Vet

Now we have to go to the vet for "practice".  When Marty gets home from work we have to get in the car, even though she knows I do not like being in the car, and then we go to the vet.  And she knows I HATE being at the vet.

I am not sick, and I do not know why we are doing this.  (Marty says I have measles, but dogs do not get measles, I just have some red spots on my stomach from swimming at the pond.)

There's not even any POINT to us going to the vet.  We just sit there and watch a lot of stupid dogs and stupider humans and Marty gives me treats.  (She tries to give me treats.  I have to spend about ten minutes doing a civil disobedience exercise first where I protest, spitting out treats and trying to escape.  After that I figure we'll never leave if I don't eat some treats, so I try to cooperate.)  Hanging out with the stupids is not have a good effect on Marty.  I'm embarrassed to be associated with her.

After I eat enough treats, we go to the park.  It's the only thing about this stupid new plan that isn't horrible.  I hope Marty gets past this stupid new idea soon.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dog School - Outside

We are doing Fidos On The Farm again this year.  I have decided that since Marty has had so much more school, it's time to increase the criteria.  So I refuse to take treats, and only occasionally look at the ball.  And I do this IN FRONT OF Miss Pat!  Miss Pat has a firm rule that humans are not allowed to be mean to their dogs and that means Marty can't even drag me around by the leash.  Hahaha on Marty.  She is learning humilty.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Pond Is Super Gross (And I Don't Care)

Marty doesn't play with me as much as she should, so I have developed a new strategy.  When we go to the farm, I run around and find the most disgusting thing I can, and then I roll in it.  Marty doesn't like how that smells (she should try it, I don't always like how she smells either), so we get to GO SWIMMING!

The pond is only a little less disgusting than the things I'm rolling in, but it's SWIMMING!