Tuesday, June 17, 2014

New Friends

Marty got home so late on Sunday night that it was already Monday morning.  Lyle and I were asleep, but I heard an intruder and sounded the alarm!  When I went downstairs, it was Marty.  She said I was a good dog for guarding Lyle, but I think she was just happy I'd gotten out of bed because she thought she could beat me back to the best spot.  Haha.  Humans are very slow, I made it back first!  She did make me move eventually, and she wonders why I don't miss her when she's gone.

Monday night I got to meet two new friends.  Their human is Marty's godson.  (If you're confused by all these humans, how do you think I feel?)  They're both girls.  One of them is almost as old as Mr. Tripoli and the other one is a little younger than me!  The younger one, Kona, tried to eat me when she first got out of the car and I was welcoming her to my driveway, but since Sherman, I am a little braver about that sort of thing.

Then we all walked to the park and I played fetch and they played chase me.  Then I played lay in a hole and be hot and they did some other stuff.  It was making a lot of noise in the sky and even raining a little, but Marty said she would rather get struck by lightening than take three unruly dogs back to the little house.  I don't know where she thought she was going to get three unruly dogs, maybe she was going to visit a shelter?

We did eventually all go back to the little house and play wrestle.  When Kona and I were wrestling, Harley (that's Kona's sibling, not Lyle's loud bike thing) kept trying to eat Kona.  I thought that was pretty funny, but the humans did not.

I'm looking forward to another playdate with them soon.


  1. Hey AA,......from all your buddies at TRK, and your mom, Happy Birthday......no longer a pup......no more need for obedience classes....if you do not have it down by now it is not happening......have a great birthday...hope you can share it with some of your new friends........and get LOTS OF TREATS.........

  2. Happy birthday, Anzio! I need your advice and on how to manage humans and their training. It sounds like my mommy and daddy are taking me to classes in a couple weeks.
