Friday, June 13, 2014

Marty Has Left Us!

We had a pretty typical week going.  We went to the farm on Monday and even though there are now MORE chickens, I am STILL not allowed to eat them.  I told Marty I could just eat one, but she said I can just eat none.  Rude.  The new chickens are getting beat up by the old chickens, so at least now Marty has some idea of what it would be like if she tried to get me a sibling.

Tuesday night we had dog school, and I am sorta learning how to copy what Marty does.  (Not very well yet, because Marty is EVEN WORSE at office hours than I am, and when she tries to do punch it she looks ridiculous.  Humans might have an advantage with their opposable thumbs, but dogs definitely have the advantage in four legs.)

Wednesday night we had more dog school and I had to practice staying.  Staying is not hard, but sometimes Marty wants me to sit the whole time, which I don't understand because lying down is much more comfortable.  Then we practiced walking nicely around other dogs and I got chicken.  Next week we are going to practice coming when called.  I'm planning to embarrass Marty on that one.

Thursday morning Marty got up first (which NEVER happens) and packed her bag and LEFT.  I do not know where she has gone or what she is doing, but I hope this means I AM DONE WITH DOG SCHOOL FOREVER!

Lyle took me to the park which is WAY better than dog school.  Lyle loves me and wants me to be happy.

I am happy that Marty is gone because she normally hogs the bed.  Without her here, I can stretch out and be comfortable as is my right.

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