Sunday, June 1, 2014

Living At The Little House Again

Since Tuesday I have been living at the little house again.  I'm not a fan.

Tuesday night we came back from the farm very late.  I get pills to ride in the car now, so I do not hate it as much as I used to.  Also, Marty has decided I should eat dinner in the car so I will hate it less.  This is dumb, but she has been making better dinners, so I'm going along with it for now.

Wednesday night we had school at the place where I went for puppy fight club.  Marty has a new rule that Joyce and Nita can only give me a few treats on school days.  This is a bad rule and I hate it.  We have two classes in a row now (say it together with me:  Marty is crazy.)  We're getting ready for a big citizenship test.  Usually I sleep through the second class, but this time I actually stayed awake.

Thursday night H. Bill came over for dinner with his littermates.  I hadn't seen them in SO LONG, but I am not sure they missed me at all.  After they left I had puppy crazies for a long time.

Speaking of people I haven't seen in a long time, Friday afternoon I FINALLY got to go back to the park.  I had my special pulling harness on and I pulled the whole way there.  Navidson and Dan were already there when we got there.  Mostly I played fetch and ignored Navidson because I am a bad friend, but we did practice sitting in chairs together.  I don't know why.  Navidson is really good at it.  I am not.

After we got back from the park, I took my riding in the car pills and after a little while we went in the car to Mr. Tripoli's house!  Mr. Tripoli and my grandhumans were already asleep when we got there, but I woke them up to say hello.  We stayed for breakfast with my grandhumans and I took more riding in the car pills, and then we left.  My humans are crazy.

We were supposed to go straight back to the farm, but the crazies decided we should take a break and go for a walk first.  This is the same park that we went to once before when I was a puppy.  I was pretty wound up, so I took Lyle for a run.  After we got back in the car, we dropped Lyle off somewhere and then Marty and I went to the townhouse instead of the farm.  It took FOREVER.


  1. I think I was suposed to meet you for a walk. Instead I only walked around our neighborhood. That was better than nothing, but it would have been nice to see you!

  2. AA, you already are a citizen.......I have don't need no stinking test.......
