Friday, June 13, 2014

Terrorizing My Human Nieces and Nephews

Saturday my human sibling brought her kids to visit me at the farm.  They'd never been to the farm before.  I wanted to show them around, but they think I am too big.  (I am a big dog!)  I was going to show them fetch, but I am SO BIG and SO FAST that it was scary for them (plus I knocked them down the last time they visited and we played fetch and that was inside) so I had to play STUPID FETCH where Lyle rolls the ball to me and I have to roll it back.  THIS IS NOT FETCH!

Jackson (he's the littlest one) was eating dirt. I tried to convince him that mulch is EVEN BETTER than dirt, but he thought the dirt was yummy enough.

They picked a lot of strawberries (I had to wait in the house) and then they had hot dogs (I did not get one).  I did walk on a leash with Lily (she's the biggest one, but she is still not even half as big as me, human puppies must be on a REALLY slow growth formula) and not pull her over.  I even showed her why dogs are better than cats (one of numerous reasons:  dogs poop outside, cats poop in the house).

I'm glad my human nieces and nephews came up to visit, but I have to continue my campaign to be allowed to hang out with them instead of having to be on my leash the whole time.

1 comment:

  1. Hey AA, here is a tip for you....STAY AWAY from the littlest ones as far as you can...they may look all cute and fun but they will fall down (on there own many times) and guess who is going to get blamed....YOU!!!!....and then you get put up some place and called bad me on this one pal......been down that road many times........have fun chasing the the way, YOU have a BIRTHDAY coming up very shortly......should be lots of treats for you then......
