Sunday, July 6, 2014


I had a very exciting day.  We went to a new toy store, and I got to pick out a new ball.  We also bought hooves and Kong spray, and since I already have hooves and Kong spray, I was a little confused.  Every now and then Marty entertains the idea of getting me a sibling, and I do not want a sibling.  I was a little wound up while we were in line, and Marty said I was being a dingbat even though other people said I was a good dog.

We got back in the car and went to Aunt Becky's, and just for a minute I thought maybe I was finally going to be allowed to live there.  But no, we were just there to meet my great-uncle Richard's new puppy.  He is SO SMALL!  He doesn't know he's small though, he thinks he's as big as me.  And he barks!  Not like my cousin Belle, but maybe he'll grow into it.  
I was a very good playmate!  He had to keep his leash on because my great-uncle Richard is afraid he will run away.  I do not have to keep my leash on.  Marty probably wouldn't care if I ran away.  Dundee doesn't fetch yet, but he likes to run after me while I fetch.  He's so tiny he has to run about a hundred steps for every one of mine, but he NEVER GETS TIRED!
It was hot and I got tired, and when we went inside I drooled and took a nap, and Marty played with Dundee.  She taught him to play with one of my tugs, and she said he could keep it because I have extras.  Dundee is lucky to have me around!  I hope he still wants to play when he's bigger!

1 comment:

  1. I want to meet Dundee! Glad you had a good time with him. I'll have to work with him on the barking whenever we do meet.
