Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why I Call Them The Crazies

This was not my idea.


  1. There are soooo many reasons to call them The Crazies! What kind of human takes her puppy sledding in a subgrade sled? A crazy one! Next time, make her take you in the AWESOME metal saucer. It is super fun!!

    1. Where is this AWESOME metal saucer?! I need an intervention. When are you coming to get me again?

  2. You are the buffer between your human and the tree time demand a helmet.......enjoy the snow like the wonderful Chessie you are......

    1. Thank you for the suggestion I wear a helmet. While I appreciate the concern for my well being, I'm pretty sure you just condemned me to a photoshoot with all of the crazies bike helmets. I think they have 12. So looking forward to that!

  3. If that is the case then be sure to pick the one that looks the best. If you cannot control what the crazies do you might as well look good while they are doing it.....after all, you are a Chessie and must keep up standards.
