Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

I hope that everyone is spending time with their families and friends!  I am!  I am at Mr. Tripoli's house.  It's very crowded, but my grandhuman says "in a good way".  Mr. Tripoli said it would be okay for me to bring a friend with me for Christmas, so Navidson and I rode down yesterday with Marty and Lyle.  I slept and hogged the backseat.

When we first got here, Navidson was a little intimidated by Mr. Tripoli, but I told him that Mr. Tripoli is really very cool, he's just BIG, and now they are good friends.  My great-grandhuman was already here, and Uncle Rob got here just a little after we did.  Marty and Lyle got all dressed up in fake fur that I don't usually see them wear, and Navidson and I had to go in our boxes for a while.  (My great-grandhuman stayed here, but Marty still put us in our boxes.  And I am pretty sure Mr. Tripoli didn't have to go in a box.  Rude.)  When we got out of our boxes, Aunt Becky was here!  YAY!!

Uncle Andrew and Aunt Lauren were here too, and Belle.  Belle doesn't want to be friends with Navidson.  I don't know why not, but she was a little mean to him, even after I told her he was my friend and that he is nice.  So Navidson didn't get to play with Belle.  I played with Belle and we had a good time.

Mr. Tripoli and Belle and I got to hang out with the humans while they opened SO MANY presents.  We all got presents too!  I got a frog tug toy from Belle, a different frog tug toy from Mr. Tripoli, a really cool duck from Uncle Rob, and two boxes from Aunt Becky that I haven't been allowed to open yet.

By the time we had opened all the presents, it was really late, and I was very tired.  Navidson went to sleep with Marty and Lyle, but I got to stay with Aunt Becky!  That was good because Aunt Becky is not a slug like the crazies, so we got up and played this morning before anyone else was up.

When they finally got up, Navidson and Mr. Tripoli and I played all morning.  Marty and Lyle and Aunt Becky went somewhere and Lyle didn't come back.  I am a little worried, because sometimes Marty says some not very nice things and then she tells Aunt Becky she is her "alibi".  I hope Lyle is okay.  Navidson and I didn't have to go in our boxes, we stayed out with my grandhumans and Uncle Rob and we were very good.

Belle and Uncle Andrew and Aunt Lauren came back, and Navidson had to go in his box for a little while again, but now we are taking naps because it has been a very big day.

I hope everyone else had as much fun as I have!


  1. AA, congratulations on getting through your first Christmas pal.....I know you really enjoyed all the great gifts and hanging out with your friends/family.....especially your Aunt Becky......enjoy all your fun toys and thank you again for helping to make Christmas here for your buddies very nice as well....they did enjoy their treats very much.....have fun.....

    1. Hi Christopher!
      I had so much fun at Christmas! We should definitely do this more often! I am glad the big dogs liked their cookies. Hopefully they will remember me if I come visit and not try to eat me!

  2. Enjoy the frog toy! I saw that Marty had some like it when I visited before, so I thought you'd like it. Maybe she'll share some of hers, too!

    1. Marty says I am not allowed to play with her frog toys. I'm not sure what the big deal is. We'll see.

    2. I'm not sure she plays with hers. It looks like the tags might have still been on them. She probably doesn't know how. You should show her!

  3. AA, great to hear from you and you are welcome here can come and show off your swimming skills in the river out back......and carry rocks around like the rest of the big dogs.......Tornado will show you how......he sends his best to the way, did your humans tell you about New Years Eve and all the may end up in your box so get prepared.........
