Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sleeping In My Box

I am so mad at Marty.  She made me AND Navidson both sleep in our boxes last night!  I am going to see Aunt Becky today and I might go home with her and never come back!

I thought we were having a pretty good day... Joyce and Nita came over and let Navidson and I out to run around.  Marty came home at lunch and took me to the vet to give them cookies.  (I weigh 55lbs now!)  I even jumped into the car on my own instead of making Marty pick me up like I usually do.

When the crazies got home from work, Jackson's humans came over and brought me a present (thank you Jackson!) and I shared nicely with Navidson.  Lyle went to bed early because he was tired from the night before.  (I don't know why, but Marty gave me a dirty look when she told Lyle he should go on up to bed because maybe he would get a couple of hours of peace.)  Navidson and I played for a long time and then we settled down.

When it was time for us to go to bed, I was awake again so Navidson and I were wrestling in the bedroom.  Navidson didn't bring his own bed, so he is using an extra one that was here.  I didn't want him to go to sleep, I wanted him to stay up and play with me, so I peed on his bed!  Marty was REALLY mad, because she had just taken me outside, but I always hold a little back just for situations like that!  Marty got SO mad that she made me AND Navidson sleep in our boxes.  I haven't had to sleep in my box in MONTHS!  I AM SO MAD!  And Navidson is mad at me because he says it wasn't his fault and he still got in trouble!

Tonight we are going to Mr. Tripoli's house and I am going to tell him about what happened.  I bet he says Marty is a bad human!  Maybe we can tell Santa and she won't get presents.


  1. Marty is soooo rude! I think we should make her sleep in the crate!

  2. AA you have to learn how to take accountability for your actions.....even though you are still young you cannot blame others for your troubles.....you peed on the bed and got your friend in trouble.....you would have not had to sleep in your box if you showed you could behave......you made a bad situation for both yourself , Marty and your friend.....own up to it pal and it will be easier to deal with........I am with Marty on this one.......

    1. You are supposed to be on my side on this! I bet Tornado would agree with me. Having to sleep in the box was mean and uncalled for.

    2. Sometimes it is not about sides pal but about what is right.....you want to try and be as right as you can as often as you can......Tornado learned a long time ago it is not right to pee in the house......or to get your friends in trouble.........you will learn over time I feel certain.........

  3. On a much happier note AA I went to my mailbox today and there was a great Christmas card with your picture on it....just fabulous....then I get a package for all your friends here to enjoy on Christmas....they may start early......we all say thank you to you and your humans for thinking of us at this time....and Tornado is especially grateful for his big cookie......Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us......
