Thursday, December 12, 2013

Exercising Your Humans

My humans are not getting enough exercise.  Worse than that, when they don't get enough exercise they are grouchy and impatient and rude.  Today when Marty came home to play with me at lunch time I was just saying hello and letting her know that I was happy to see her and she said, "I cannot deal with you like this, go get a ball."  Which I did, of course, even though I thought that was extremely rude and not at all an appropriate reaction to a genuine show of affection.  The problem with playing ball in the house is that the humans can't really throw it far enough to work out their arms, and I can't drop it far enough away to make them work very hard to get it.  It quickly became clear that inside fetch wasn't going to do it today.  I had been planning on working with Marty on giving me treats for walking on the leash, but I decided if she was being like that, I'd better take her to the park instead.  So even though I hate getting in the car, I did, and we went to the park.  I made sure not to bring the ball too close to her so she'd have to do a lot of walking.

Navidson is letting us borrow this Chuckit Launcher thing.  I had seen one before at my cousin Belle's house, but I was too small to appreciate it then.  It's pretty awesome.  Marty has it added to her list of "toys we would prefer not to live without".  (I don't know why she has a list like that.  I would prefer not to live without ANY of my toys.)  It lets her throw the ball a lot farther than she usually can and it grabs the ball right off the ground.  That was good today because there's still wet white stuff all over the ground and Marty won't play fetch for as long when her fingers are cold, we learned this the hard way at the farm.

We still need a lot of practice walking together on the leash, so we will have to work on that later tonight.  I hope Marty has plenty of meatballs ready!


  1. The Chuckit Launcher is one of my favorites! They even make cool balls that go with it that whistle, roll, or bounce in funny directions. Tell Auntie M to get you some of those, too!

    1. Hi Belle! I am definitely hoping to get some more of the chuckit balls for Christmas. Maybe if I get to come visit your house while I'm staying with Mr. Tripoli, you could show me which ones are best.

  2. Not many more things more striking than a handsome Chesapeake cruising through the snow........Anzio rocks.....

  3. I'd love to have you come visit again! I'll try not to bark so much this time; I just get really excited sometimes.

    1. Hi Belle! I bark sometimes when I get excited too. Marty is extremely intolerant though, and keeps saying, "Nice dogs don't bark." I have told her a lot of times that's not true, because you bark, and you are a nice dog! It's not getting me very far. I'm looking forward to getting a Chuckit tutorial next week.
