Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Prisoner Exchange

My humans are the worst.  I thought we were going to Mr. Tripoli's and they would stay there and hang out and help me get settled, like they did when I had my sleepover at Aunt Becky's.  That is not what happened.

As soon as school was over, we got in the car and drove to some giant loud, noisy place with bright lights and lots of stupid humans.  My grandhumans were already there, and Marty moved my stuff into their truck and gave them VERY brief instructions on taking good care of me.  Marty and Lyle said goodbye and told me to be a good puppy (as if there were any doubt) and then LYLE PULLED MY TOOTH OUT!  It was sticking out at a crazy angle, but I didn't think he had to just pull it out like that.  It would have come out by itself if he'd just left it alone (just like all my others did).  Of course, Marty put it in her pocket and saved it because she is a weirdo.  After that disgusting episode, the crazies put me in the truck and my grandhumans TOOK me!  I actually heard my grandhuman shout, "We've got the dog, let's go!"  Then he laughed manically.  I get the feeling he may have commanded liberation missions like this in the past.

I'm pretty sure that my actual humans stopped for Sonic on their way home.  My grandhumans and I did not.

Marty told them that I might throw up in the car (and after all the awesome treats at school it would have been SUPER GROSS), but I didn't, I just drooled on Mr. Tripoli's blanket.  When we finally got to Mr. Tripoli's I was so glad to get out of the car!  It was also good to see him.  He was happy to see me too, but it was very late and we were tired.

Marty sent my box down with me, but my grandhumans brought a bed out of the garage and didn't put me in the box!  The bed was okay, but I preferred to be under their bed.  I need to work on getting the crazies a bed I can get under at home.

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