Saturday, November 30, 2013

Aunt Becky Is Here!

With Uncle Rob here and Belle not here, it was already a really great day at Mr. Tripoli's, but then it got even better. 


My grandhumans have taken really good care of me, but I miss Marty and Lyle a little, so I am not too sad that Aunt Becky is going to take me back to the little house tonight.  I have never gotten to ride in Aunt Becky's car, so I am going to try hard not to make a mess.


  1. I don't know who I more jealous of - you or Rob. I wanted you to spend Thanksgiving with me, but Marty said I wasn't responsible enough. I think she's just afraid you not wanting to leave! Then, I wanted Rob to spend Thanksgiving with me and the rest of Ravens Nation, but he said no, he hated me. I had to spend Thanksgiving with no family! It's ok though, getting to see you yesterday and rescue from your grandhumans made it better. How rude was Marty though? I brought you back to the little house, stayed to get you settled in, you were sleeping nicely with me on the couch (the one I dealt with for her) and she STOLE you and took you upstairs! I mean really, who does she think she is?! Only a few more weeks until I get to see you again!

  2. I am becoming more and more distressed by my treatment in your blog. I know we are family, but I thought we were friends, too. My humans are talking to me about Christmas shopping and getting presents for the other family dogs. I already sent you a raccoon, but neither it nor I seem appreciated, so if you really dislike me so much, then I'll let them know that I only need to get presents for Trip and Denton.
