Monday, November 18, 2013

Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

You know how I've been a little bit hesitant about spending time at the vet?  And you know how Marty keeps telling me "nothing bad has ever happened to you here" (even though I did get that horrible shot for my microchip that one time, and even though they poke me with sharp things pretty much every time, and even though Dr. Richards scraped my foot with a scalpel blade once, and all sorts of other things that ARE SO bad)?  Well after today she can't say that ANYmore.

Marty took me to the vet this morning and had them NEUTER me.  In case you don't know what that means (I wish I didn't), it means they cut off very sensitive parts.  Marty said those parts weren't doing anybody any good, but how did SHE know?  She doesn't even HAVE parts like that!  She said that Christopher is in charge of making sure that the right dogs meet to have great puppies like me and my littermates and that he is really good at that and doesn't need my help.  She said that a lot of puppies are "accidents" and their moms and dads don't even stay together and sometimes they can't find humans to go live with.  Even though Marty and Lyle are crazy, and even though I am not very happy with them right now, I feel very sad for puppies that don't get their own humans, and I wouldn't want to grow up and be a big dog that caused that.

Dr. Richards did the surgery and the people at the vet that helped her took very good care of me, and I didn't have to stay there very long, because Marty stayed with me until after I got a shot that made me sleepy and then came and picked me up almost as soon as I was awake so that we could go home.  I do have a lot of friends at the vet and they snuggled and hugged me and told me it would be okay.

When they brought me out to Marty to go home, I decided to show everyone what I think about being treated like this and I POOPED RIGHT ON THE FLOOR!  Marty was not as upset by this as I was expecting, and the people at the vet acted like it happens a lot, but they did give me some extra pills to try and avoid any more mystery poop episodes.

I'm home now resting, but even though I got some medicine to make things not hurt, I'm still not feeling very good.  Mostly I am tired and a little upset to my stomach.  Marty didn't let me have anything to eat last night or this morning, so I'm pretty hungry and my stomach is grumbling.  I'm going to get some rice in a little while.

Marty says I might not have to go to school tonight, so at least some good may come from all this.

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