Monday, October 28, 2013


Now that I'm back from the beach, I have to catch everyone up on a few other exciting things that happened.  We spent Wednesday night at the farm, where it was absolutely freezing.  Marty brought my box in, but left the door open, so I slept in there so I wouldn't get frostbite.  Thursday morning we had to take my great-grandhuman somewhere, but Lyle and I waited in the car while Lyle dropped him off.  After that, we went back to the beach (by way of Sonic, of course)!

Mr. Tripoli seemed somewhat less excited to see me than he did the last time.  I didn't understand at the time, but it became clear later.  Thursday night Mr. Tripoli's girlfriend came to visit!  Her name is Sophie and she's beautiful.  She's a Golden Retriever and she's about a year old.  I think that's too young for Mr. Tripoli, and I like older women!

If Mr. Tripoli didn't weigh three times as much as I do, I'd totally steal his girl!

Note how Mr. Tripoli is getting complacent in his old age.  Maybe next time I will take Sophie home to live with me!

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