Sunday, October 6, 2013


Yesterday we went to see a soccer game.  From what I can tell, "soccer" means, sit outside and be hot and watch human puppies play fetch.  Marty did bring me a lot of treats and water, so it could have been worse.  Also, I got to see my friend H. Bill.  When we first went to his house, he was running around with no fake fur like he usually does, but his mom put some on him when we left.  I don't know why, it was way too hot for any kind of fur.

Do you want to know why he's clapping in this pic?  It's because MARTY LET HIM EAT MY CHICKEN!

Some giant dog came over and stuck her face right in mine while we were watching the human puppies.  Marty told me I was a good dog, and Lyle told her human she was a BAD HUMAN.  My humans are the best!

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