Saturday, September 7, 2013

Swimming With Mr. Tripoli

I finally got to meet Mr. Tripoli.  After we left my great-grandhuman, we drove over to my grandhumans' house.  I'd heard a lot about Mr. Tripoli, but I hadn't met him before.  He's HUGE!  He's also really excited ALL THE TIME.  Marty had to make a safe place for me a lot at first.  After he stopped being quite so happy to meet me, we all went to a park (not the park that Lyle built, a different one) and we played in the water.

Mr. Tripoli can actually swim, not just wade.  He went WAY out in the water and brought back bumpers a LOT of times.  I want my own bumper, but Marty said I can't have a bumper until she is pretty sure I will actually go and get it.  I did go into the water and get a stick a bunch of times.

Eventually, Marty decided that I needed to swim whether I was ready or not, so she carried me out in the water and I had to swim for my life!  You know what?  It's not as hard as it looks.

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