Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I think I got into something bad at the farm, because yesterday I was so, so, so itchy.  I was so itchy I didn't even really want to play, I mostly just wanted to be allowed on the couch to cuddle.  Luckily, Marty and Lyle were very sympathetic (they're itchy too) and so we just stayed in.  They did take me for a walk around the block on my leash though.  This is why I hate the little house.  At the farm I could have gone three times that far and never had to be on my leash.  I am not a big fan, but Marty and Lyle gave me lots of little bites of ham (I like ham almost as much as chicken), so I survived.

This morning after Lyle took me out I was still SO ITCHY that Marty said enough was enough and called the vet.  While we were waiting for my appointment, Marty let me sleep in the bed with them.  Being itchy isn't all bad.  Dr. Richards has Wednesdays off, so we saw Dr. Boyd instead.  She's pretty cool too and everyone said nice things about me (as always).

I weigh 18.5lbs now!  Marty thinks I might be a BIG dog when I get to be a big dog.

Dr. Boyd said I have some kind of dermatitis and I have to take an antibiotic every day and get a bath every other day.  She also said Marty can give me a little Benadryl if I'm miserable.  I am not very excited about the bath thing, especially because I have to wait TEN MINUTES after the shampoo goes on before Marty can wash it off.  Ten minutes of being wet and soapy and cold.  Not fun.  Marty says she will give me a whole cheese stick if I am good for my baths though, so we're going to try it.  Besides, the baths are probably not going to be worse than the itching.

After the vet visit and my bath, I was exhausted, so Marty put me in my box and left me.  I don't get to play with Navidson today, but it's okay, because we're going to visit some other friends for dinner and I can play with their dog.

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