Thursday, July 11, 2013


You are not going to believe this.  They've registered me for school already.  It's still more than a month before I go to live with them!

I'm beginning to have reservations about these humans.  I wonder if they'd notice if I sent one of my littermates home with them instead.

1 comment:

  1. Anzio, I'm sorry you're going to have to deal with these two nut jobs as your humans your whole life. The good news is you'll have me to help balance them out. I'll slip my contact information under your collar when we meet on August 15th. I heard another rumor, it's even worse that school! Supposedly (I really hope that for your case this is not true), they're leaving you with Big Momma on the 17th. They're in this big rush to kidnap you and then they're leaving you with the craziest of all. Good luck - you'll need it!
